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  • ahein075

Knock, knock! Who's there???

Have you ever been out for a drive, wandering aimlessly and ended up on a haunted road? Or maybe you're out on a drive with the purpose of finding a specific haunted road to see what you may or may not experience?

Let's go for a drive... I call shotgun and don't ask me for directions cause I am geographically stupid. According to the 2006 book Weird Michigan, you should check out Strasburg Road in Detroit, Michigan...just south of Seven Mile. It is said that when people drive on this road, they experience knocking and tapping on their windows and undercarriage of their cars. One story goes this is due to a girl who was murdered on that road many years ago from a hit-and-run while she was riding her new bicycle. People over the years have claimed that when they've driven down this road, they experienced knocking and wrapping on the outer parts of their car and believe it is that little girl, still upset to this day over her murder and trying to find the driver. Not sure if the girl's death is a true story but, if it is, I can't say I blame her. I probably would be pissed off too, especially if the driver was never caught.

Another story pertains to a group of teenagers that many years ago were supposedly driving down this road recklessly, swerved and hit a pole. The car ended up bursting into flames and the teenagers were trapped inside the vehicle. Before their deaths, all they could do was pound on the windows, screaming for help. Some people believe when they've driven on the Strasburg Road, they have felt the pounding and heard the screams of these teenagers. Again, I am not sure if the story about the teenagers is true but, if so, what a horrifying thing for them to have experienced. If the teenager story is factual, I cannot even imagine the fear I would feel driving down that road experiencing the pounding on the windows and the screaming for help. I can pretty much guarantee that my bladder would not stay intact.

So, if you're feeling up to a lazy Sunday drive or maybe you purposely want go there at night and see what happens, travel safely...and at your own risk. Beware of who may be tapping at your door.



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