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Are you an art lover?

Are you a fan of the arts? Perhaps you love theater or the opera? Do you like to go to art museums or galleries? Maybe you like to collect art work? Have you ever owned an art piece that turned out to be cursed/haunted? Would you keep a haunted piece of artwork?

Let me tell you about the "Woman of the Rain" painting, reportedly haunted. By whom....I don't think we will ever truly know. The painting was created by Svetlana Telets in 1996. The painting is of a woman from about waist up, dressed in black, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat, everything covered but her face. Her eyes are downcast and she is standing in the rain. Not necessarily a scary my opinion. So what would make the painting haunted?

According to Svetlana Telets: ”I always felt like someone was watching me. I always drove such thoughts away. Then, one day, by the way it wasn’t a rainy day at all, I was sitting in front of a blank canvas and thought of what I could draw.

Suddenly I saw clearly the contours of a woman. Her face, colors, shades. I saw every detail of the image. I started to draw it, as if someone drove my hand over the paper. In five hours I managed to finish it."

Sounds like instead of automatic writing, Svetlana went into automatic painting...if that type of thing truly exists.

The painting was done in five hours. I have no idea how long it would normally take someone to place their ideas onto canvas, but this sounds like something that doesn't normally happen for most artists. I, myself, am not an artist...cannot get my hands to connect with the ideas in my head and create anything more than the basic smiley face.

Over time, people have purchased the painting and some reported unusual things happening to them. The first person to purchase the painting was a businesswoman. She hung it on the wall in her bedroom. After owning it for two weeks, Svetlana got a late-night call from the lady stating, “Please take it back, I can’t sleep! It feels like there is someone else in my apartment beside me!! I even took it off the wall and hid it behind the cupboard, but still I have this feeling.”

A young man bought the painting next. He ended up returning the painting without taking his money back. This guy stated that he kept dreaming every night that there was a shadow of a woman walking around. He said that this was starting to make him mad and he was extremely afraid of the painting.

The third purchaser of the painting was a skeptic and had not heard anything about the painting before he bought it. This man said that he saw the painted lady's eyes everywhere. He also said that he suffered from intense headaches whenever he was in the same room as the painting.

Some say that the painting picks the purchaser...certain people just end up drawn to it and feel compelled to buy it. Once the painting is purchased and brought into the new owner's home, they will start to experience sleeplessness, nightmares, general misfortunes, conflict with others living within the home, a feeling of constantly being watched, a sense that someone else is actively walking around the home...just to name a few things someone might experience.

In 2008, the painting was bought by Sergei Skachko of the band "Zemlyane". As of 2011, it was reported that Sergei still owned the painting, but it was no longer in his home. He reportedly stated that he said the woman from the painting walked around the room at night and his wife was afraid of her. Can't say I blame the wife...that sounds very uncomfortable and eerie.

Svetlana stated: "I’m sure that every picture is born for some particular person. I believe that for my "Woman" also there is a person. I understand that many of you don’t need this grief in your eyes. It’s just not an interior decoration. I’m sure there is someone who looks for it, as it looks for that someone."

Is the painting cursed/haunted? If so, by whom? A spirit, a demon, an alien? None of us know for sure, but if someone had always "been with" Svetlana, as she claimed to feel, maybe she was finally able to put a face to that person on canvas.

All I can say is if you decide to try to purchase it, proceed with caution. You may get exactly what you ask for.

-- Audre

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